
Tuesday, November 26, 2024


 It is often said ,'oh my gut said not to trust him', and we follow that intuition. How does our seemingly logical brain come up with this signal? Is it just a very detailed observation of particular events or personalities, or is it in fact a superpower brought forth from primordial times where third eyes were completely open and active, not dumbed down by logic and even education. Great thinkers like Aristotle; plato etc have long commented on the greater awareness of time. Perhaps this intuitive intelligence is something we should be honing and practicing just as diligently as we do our taxes and invest our savings. From my own experience meditation is a fantastic tool to awaken that sleeping giant within us all.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Security Password

 There's so much hacking of information, identity theft, on the internet nowadays, you need an identity card to identify who you are. plus another of us, all of us have forgotten who we are. I don't  mean your birth name or parents, but your true cosmic identity. You may say, well I am a male, 55, Christian, public servant etc. But who are you ? I may say I am a God particle or a soul or a started etc. Well then what is your address, even computers and mobile phones have a server address and a VPN. What's yours, the reader of this blog? Something to think about.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Beyond the music

 Todays ideas come from my past,  As I meditated we would get into a reflective and meditative mind set whilst firstly listening to hindi religious songs and later meditation commentary to get the mind focused on a peaceful mindset. Also we used pictures of peace and God. Apparently these all came from visions and visits from higher beings. Anyhow the point is my current self has come to the conclusion is who I am is beyond all these props, even thoughts. My original self is silent, peace, but powerful and all knowledgeable. Just like God. We are God in some way. But this isn't a thought or an intellectual idea. We are powerful, beyond comprehension, and help all our brothers and sisters, by being in this self respect, all atoms, molecules and universe are uplifted. This is how I'm feeling now.

Monday, July 26, 2021

lockdown meditation

As you all know, the  worldwide lockdown resulting from the corona virus epidemic, has really tested our resolve. Probably the main one is money or income and secondly relationships. For me it has been a reviewing of my spiritual awareness and the knowledge and power I have as a spiritual being, a piece of God and my connection to all other beings and the five elements. This wont necessarily fix the situation but has instead given me clarity so I don't lose my self respect and respect of others. me and my partner read and practice Disappearance of the Universe and meditate to strengthen our resolve.
My thought process is the following-
Deep breaths firstly exhaling old air and negativity.
inhaling love, positivity and oxygen.
Centering my minds eye ( seeing the mind fill with light, love and my eternal, indestructible self)
Travelling up and out, beyond this body, beyond this land, beyond the sky, beyond the universe to my original home of sweet silence.
And there meeting with my ancient friend.
The Supreme soul, the one who guards the original memories of my original self. These memories flow into my consciousness, into my heart, into my lungs, into my cells. I come back to now, the present, refreshed .

Om Shanti

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Differentiating between reality and illusion

In this article or post I will be attempting too illuminate my and others experience of the soul, the mind, the subconscious mind and the heart or intuition. You may not be convinced by my reasoning but that is all part of our personal journey which we must and will come to some final resolution before the departure from this mortal coil. According too the tradition I was brought up with in the Ancient Raja Yoga of Bharat, the soul is composed of 3 aspects, the mind, intellect and sub conscious mind, and a fourth which I have introduced, the Heart or intuition.
Now this is the theoretical mechanics of the soul, created through trance but nonetheless not proven.In our journeys I believe meditation is a necessary part of discovering the self. But our DNA, brain wiring , diet, environment, all conspire or inspire us in our enlightenment. Actually before we came down too planet earth or human consciousness we were perfect anyway, but have been moulded by our journey.  Here's an excerpt from a website on people seeing UFO's or more accurately this entry on the effects of stress and light on memory.
As anecdotal evidence seems so emotionally compelling, may I contribute an anecdote to underscore some points made by Mark B. Fineman in his excellent “Sightings: UFO’s and Visual Perception?” There is no UFO in my story–or not exactly.
During high school I lived in Times Beach, Missouri (yes, that Times Beach) and the adjacent town of Eureka. Off rural Highway 109 was a lonely place my friends called “Zombie Road.”
Really named Lawler-Ford, it was a narrow lane winding through miles of woods, once a route for trucks hauling stone from a remote quarry. Even by day it seemed enveloped in a dreamlike silence and half-light. You could never see past the trees and brush at the next curve. If you met another car, one of you would have to back up to one of the few wide places, or to the beginning of the road, in order to pass.
We agreed that the spookiest thing about Zombie Road was that it never looked the same shape or seemed the same length twice, even on the return trip from the turnaround at the chained entrance to the stone company’s property. At times we had the claustrophobic feeling that it would never end and that we would drive on forever into deeper darkness and silence.
We especially enjoyed scaring ourselves by driving it at night and repeating the usual urban-legend horror stories about teenagers on isolated roads. Of course the villain of the tales was always “the Zombie” who waylaid young lovers on Zombie Road.
One night we parked at the turnaround and ventured from the car to explore a “haunted shack” supposedly nearby. We were picking our way cautiously through starlit weeds when a light appeared about twenty feet before us. It seemed as bright as a single headlamp, but advanced at chest-height through high weeds. My first thought was that we had been caught trespassing and would be ordered to leave. But no warning came. In fact, the silence was unnerving. The light glided toward us through the weedtops as smoothly and as soundlessly as if it were on an invisible track. Most of us stepped back, staring.
But two of our party had whispered, “Let’s get out of here!” and were already stumbling back toward the car. Their oddly efficient panic rather forced us to accompany them, and soon we were running from the slow, silent light, which reached the road behind us just as we slammed our doors and drove away.
The return trip on Zombie Road was short that night, though we had a sober moment passing an apparently unoccupied old car that was pulled off the road. (It had not been there before.)
Later we learned (what most people reading this will have guessed) that the entire adventure had been staged. The two people who fled in panic had organized the dramatic scene. The surprise was that, in their eyes, it had utterly failed. They had planned terrors for us. Two sturdy young men had parked up the road (it was their car we saw) and sneaked round through the woods to surprise us. They had costumed themselves as the Zombie and his henchman, both brandishing weapons. They had growled and grunted and crashed as noisily as possible while pursuing us at top speed through the dry brush. To make sure they were seen, one of them had waved a flashlight.
Yet we had registered none of it–not the violent speed, not the noise, not the weapons, not the scary disguises. In fact, we had all been impressed by the unnatural silence of the free-floating light. Though we witnesses (even the conspirators) all agreed about what we had seen and heard, and even though we considered ourselves to have been in a state of heightened alertness at the time (uninfluenced, I should add, by alcohol or other drugs), we had in effect been unable to hear or see, let alone judge speed, scale or distance in any meaningful way.
It is not from disrespect that I doubt other people’s accounts of anomalous experiences. It is in part because I have learned firsthand how unreliable my own perceptions can be.
Gary Brockman
Madison, CT

Thursday, September 7, 2017


I think a little workaholic resides in all of us. Though obviously some are more extreme than 0thers. As a meditator I was taught and also came too the realization, that the more I kept my actions in sync with my heart and soul the more Happiness I felt and others around me felt happy. From my reflective understanding workaholism basically stems from a lack of self respect or knowing the self. Heres a psychologists point of view. In this thoughtful blog you can see the sickness with clarity. Basically a persons worth based upon external circumstances instead of internal. Materialism is a common word used in Spiritual circles, this is often misinterpreted , too be whole and Happy, one will be surrounded by physical manifestations, but they are not who you are, They are props too help you move forward through life, where a workaholic will think and attach themselves too those identities and things. Its a tricky tight walk but achievable I think. Come take a tour

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Teacher, Guide or Guru

Today we will focus on the need for content and focus in our meditation. Traditional meditations expound the idea to be in the present, In the now, perhaps concentrate on the breath as a focal point, breathing in positive energy and releasing negative energy. And coming to that point, as so eloquently put, The space between thoughts. Other paths and traditions have realms of knowledge and scriptures and mantras and doctrines to study and inculcate , some heart felt, some ancient, some new. Such a smorgasbord of offerings, which to eat first, which will satisfy my hunger, which will give me indigestion lol. I feel a group is a timetable and  a regime is needed personally, but that was how my journey went.Then after exploration, experimentation and inculcation probably over many years you can do meditate naturally and independently. Let's look at Three Gurus who had massive influence on the Western world.

Three Gurus Who Changed the Face of Spirituality in the West

In researching the 200-year transmission of India’s spiritual teachings to the West, I found that three gurus stood out for their immense impact on public awareness, and as it happens they all have birthdays around now: Paramahansa Yogananda on Jan. 5, and both Swami Vivekananda and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on Jan. 12. People who are into astrology say it’s significant that all three were Capricorns. For me, an astrological agnostic, it’s enough that their proximate birthdays are an opportunity to pay homage.
They came to America at intervals of about 30 years, in eras that were vastly different, culturally and technologically. They were, of course, Hindu monks. At the same time, they were well-educated, fluent in English and knowledgeable about science. They were ambitious (though not in the conventional sense), earnest, determined, well-organized, single-minded and pragmatically businesslike — all Capricorn traits, I’m told, but let’s not go there — and they combined a steadfast reverence for tradition with skillful adaptation to the modern world.
Vivekananda, born in 1863, arrived in Chicago at age 30 as a delegate to the World’s Parliament of Religions. It was the first parliament, and it might have been the last if the “handsome monk in the orange robe,” as one writer described him, had not made it memorable. He stole the show with an eloquent refutation of misconceptions about Hinduism and a dignified demonstration of that tradition’s vaunted respect for all pathways to the divine. At a time when most Americans hadn’t even met a Catholic or a Jew, the enthusiastic reception was remarkable, although it was stained by predictable attacks from conservative Christians, to whom a heathen was a heathen no matter how erudite and inspiring he may seem.
Vivekananda spent about three years here before returning to India, where he passed away before his 40th birthday. His tenure was long enough to write four seminal books that introduced Westerners to the classic yogic pathways — bhakti (devotion), karma (action), jnana (intellect) and raja (meditative practice) — and to establish Vedanta Societies in major cities. The swamis who ran those centers in mid-20th century would become mentors to cultural icons like Aldous Huxley, Huston Smith, Joseph Campbell and J.D. Salinger, whose enduring works changed the way tens of millions saw themselves and the world.
Yogananda was born the year of his predecessor’s triumph in Chicago and landed in Boston in 1920 to speak on “The Science of Religion.” The first major guru to make the U.S. his home, he fell in love with Los Angeles, which he called “the Benares of America,” establishing the world headquarters of his Self-Realization Fellowship on a rustic hilltop with a view of downtown. Early on he showed himself a thoroughly modern swami, using new inventions like radio and mail order to disseminate his brand of Kriya Yoga. His crowning creation, in addition to the durable organization that keeps his teachings alive, was the memoir, Autobiography of a Yogi. In the 300-plus interviews I conducted for my book, American Veda, that was the text most frequently mentioned when people spoke of their spiritual influences. It has sold 4 million copies and counting.
The third member of the trio is destined to be known forever as “the Beatles’ guru.” Born in 1918, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi had been circling the globe for nearly 10 years, teaching his Transcendental Meditation, by the time the Fab Four found him in 1967. He touched down in the U.S. annually for much of that time, attracting small numbers of grown-up middle-class seekers. Then TM caught on among students, and spread to the burgeoning counterculture, and when the Beatles followed him to India, Maharishi’s face became the global symbol of guruhood. It was on the cover of national magazines, the front pages of newspapers and on national TV.
Meditation was suddenly hip, and soon it would be something more substantial, as Maharishi prodded scientists to investigate what goes on in the body and brain when people meditated. As a result of those early studies, meditation — and with it Indian philosophy — moved quickly from the youth culture to the mainstream. That trend line peaked in 1975, when Maharishi occupied the full hour of Merv Griffin’s talk show (the Oprah of its day) twice, with scientists and meditating celebs like Clint Eastwood and Mary Tyler Moore. Now, a thousand experiments later, yoga and meditation are routinely recommended by healthcare professionals.
Those three renowned teachers, and the many other swamis, gurus and yoga masters that came here from India, along with their Buddhist counterparts, changed the face of spirituality in the West. Among other things, they gave people who were alienated from, indifferent to or contemptuous of mainstream religion a way to exercise the spiritual impulse without compromising their sense of reason or the facts of history and science. They were Hindus to be sure, but they were not religious missionaries out to convert. They taught the essence of their tradition — what Indians call sanatana dharma, or the eternal way, a science of consciousness if you will, that they said can enhance the life of anyone, whether religious or secular. In the process they lifted the ceiling on human development and opened the gates to a new understanding of who and what we are. For that, their birthday week deserves commemoration.
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My own website on gurus, Yogis