
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Lets meditate


At the core of your being, you are deeply peaceful, immensely loving, infinitely wise and profoundly contented.


Rise above negativity, like the lotus flower. Rise above the muddy waters and grow into something more beautiful.

Yet at the same time, be fully grounded. Just as the muddy water sustains the lotus flower, in the same way, the gritty realities of life helps you to bloom and reach your potential.

So, don't just look at the muddy water; notice the beautiful lotus that grows out of it.

The Need For Meditation (Part 2)

As explained yesterday, we regularly and quite easily slip into four main negative habits. So meditation is not only sitting in a quiet corner, and connecting with the self and the Supreme, at a couple of fixed times during the day, but it is also the way to gently remember and remind ourselves, many times in a day, that we as well as others, are souls or spiritual beings not physical beings, by detaching ourselves from actions and also while being involved in actions. These reminders given to the self over a period of time become natural and prevent us from succumbing to these four habits. Given below is a basic meditation, which you could use to remind yourself regularly during the day:

I have a body but this body is not me...
I have thoughts but these thoughts are not me ...
I have feelings but these feelings are not me ...
I have attitudes but these attitudes are not me ...
I have emotions but these emotions are not me ...
I have beliefs but these beliefs are not me ...
I perform many actions through my sense organs, but these sense organs are not me...
I play many roles but I am not my roles...
I experience joy or sorrow through my sense organs, but these experiences are not me ...
I am a soul - a being of energy, which is neither created nor can be destroyed, and my original and true nature is one of peace, love, joy and power...

Soul Sustenance 

Ending The Day In The Presence Of God (Part 1) 
On a physical level, there is complete transparency in a parent-child relationship. When a child is born to a mother and father and the parents see the child for the first time, the child is completely bare. As the child grows in the canopy of the parents, the parents see and know everything about the child, not only in a physical way, but also the child’s personality or nature right from childhood. Sometimes, there are certain things about the child that even the child himself does not have an awareness of, but the parents are aware of the same. So, in short, there is nothing that the child can hide from the parents.

In the same way, the Supreme Being, who is a permanent resident of the soul world, has seen from that world, each soul right from the time when it was completely bare or bodiless residing in the soul world with Him, to the time when it took its first physical costume or body on earth and then changed many costumes in the process of birth and rebirth. He not only knows the soul’s original sanskaras, which were there in the soul in the soul world, but also each and every costume that the soul wore. He also knows every soul’s different relationships while wearing each and every costume; every thought, word or action created while wearing each and every costume and the different personality traits or sanskaras of the soul while wearing each and every costume. That is on an unlimited level. On a limited level, there is no doubt that the Supreme Soul who is the Supreme Parent of all human souls and is said to possess a thousand eyes; very well knows the mental, emotional and physical activity of the complete day of each soul. Thus, there is nothing that is hidden about the soul from this Parent.

(To be continued tomorrow...)

Message for the day 

Love makes all tasks easy. 
Expression: Where there is love, there is interest for whatever I do. When my heart is in what I am doing, it seems very easy to do even the most difficult task. It is easy to have love for the task, when I understand its importance.

Experience: When I begin to love everything I do, understanding the significance of my contribution, I experience lightness. I find nothing difficult to perform and I naturally enjoy everything. No task seems like something difficult to do, but seems more like a game to be enjoyed.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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