
Sunday, September 6, 2015


Daily Positive Thoughts: September 06, 2015: Windows of Silence

Windows of Silence

Unclutter the day and create windows of silence for the mind.  Windows, which catch the light of peace and clarity.  Windows which let oxygen into the mind.

To be in the unlimited is to be free from getting trapped in the limited.

In any situationI need to go beyond what is visible. If I see that I will be able to see the larger picture instead of getting caught up in the triviality of the situation. Everything becomes clear and meaningful when I have the consciousness of seeing it in the context of the larger picture. Today I will make an effort to understand the context of the situation rather than getting caught up with the situation itself. For example, if someone is shouting at me, I will try and understand why he got upset and try to give him what he wants or atleast the feeling that I understand. Also, I will try and understand that the anger is temporary, but the person as a friend is permanent.

The Subtle Role Play Of Thoughts And Images

The human soul is a subtle (non-physical) stage on which a subtle role play of thoughts and images constantly takes place throughout the day and even while sleeping. We have explained in our older messages how thoughts are of 4 main different types - positive which are based on virtues, necessary related to day-to-day activities, waste which are mainly unnecessary and related to the past and future and negative which are related to vices and other weaknesses. In the same way, we also constantly create images or scenes, which are of the same 4 types, which is why we commonly use the term 'the eye of the mind'. The mind not only thinks or speaks subtly but visualizes or sees subtly too, almost all the time.

These two processes function, sometimes independent of each other as well as sometimes dependent on each other i.e. influencing each other e.g. think of peace and that leads to visualizations related to the same. Visualize an unpleasant scene of anger and hatred, and your thoughts are led in that direction. Sometimes these two processes function at the same time and sometimes one at a time. Sometimes neither functions at all, which happens much more frequently while sleeping as compared to when we are awake. This subtle, physically invisible role play is the foundation of the physical role play of words and actions that is visible to the self and everyone else around you.

(To be continued tomorrow ...)

Soul Sustenance

The Art Of Tolerance (Part 4) 

Life teaches you that you can widen the limits of your tolerance. When certain situations arrive, they are like exams in order to see your capacity to tolerate. These exams can first be the unpleasant words and harassment by people towards you. Secondly, the different obstacles that place themselves in your path, making it difficult to carry out your aims. There are also people that you trust who will oppose you. Your work colleagues or your partners or your relatives or even children turn into your enemies and create opposition because they are not happy about small or big issues. With the feeling of satisfying those who are not happy, considering that they are influenced by something, holding on to benevolent (generous) feelings and with the power of silence and tolerance, you can make others advance, overcome and collaborate. You can teach the lesson of tolerance with sweetness, good desires and pure feelings. That way not only do you advance, but you are also a searchlight on the road, a medium, seeing whom, others can also advance.

Learn to tolerate with wellbeing. Stabilize yourself in your inner being and, from that calm, clarity and stability you can tolerate without losing your wellbeing. To tolerate is to accept, value, understand and appreciate. Not making a mountain out of a mustard seed (rai in Hindi) but rather the contrary, by taking expansion to the essence, turning a mountain into a mustard seed (light), a mustard seed into cotton – rui in Hindi (extremely light), as the saying goes.

Message for the day 

The method for easy progress is to claim the blessings of all. 

Projection: Sometimes we find ourselves making a lot of effort and putting in a lot of energy for getting something done. Yet we find that the results are not according to the efforts that we have put in. We then begin to wonder it happens so.

Solution: To be able to give happiness to those around is to increase the speed of my progress. For this I need to pay special attention to keep giving happiness and not giving sorrow to those around me. This brings me their blessings and these subtle wishes bring me happiness and success easily.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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